Palm Desert chiropractorAbout thirty years ago, before my days as a chiropractor in Palm Desert and West Hollywood, I suffered horribly from a traumatic case of dry, itchy skin. Not only was I compelled to scratch at all moments of the day, but I also found myself in constant pain as the dry patches started to burn after only a few minutes of scratching. It was especially bothersome around my arms, shoulders, and elbows, but I even had dry spots on my thighs and buttocks. Many know exactly what I’m talking about, especially around the cold winter months. It became an embarrassing situation for me because, in my mind, whenever I see somebody scratching themselves as much as I was at that time, I tend to think of one of three things:


  1. scabies
  2. meth habit or
  3. cooties

As it turned out, I soon learned it was eczema I was suffering from. Eczema is one of the most common skin disorders afflicting people daily. The National Institute of Health reports that it affects nearly 15 million Americans at any given time and accounts for almost 20% of all dermatologist visits. Its symptoms include incredibly itchy skin, redness, swelling, cracking, “weeping” clear fluid, crusting, and scaling. Basically, it sucks.

West Hollywood chiropractorMedical costs associated with eczema are estimated at approximately $600-$1,200 per patient. At this time, it is unknown what actually causes the disorder, yet many theories abound. One is that it is due to environmental factors (the clothes you wear, the air you’re exposed to, or the soap/makeup/hair products you use), and another is it’s an autoimmune disorder. Of course, there’s always the favorite genetic predisposition theory, which basically means, “…we have no clue.”

What we know about eczema, though, is that it responds favorably to a diet rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are polyunsaturated fats (the good kind) that the body cannot produce. A deficiency in these vital nutrients can lead to numerous disorders, including eczema.

EFAs are abundant in fish oils and seeds like flax seed, borage seed, and the evening primrose plant. There are two families of EFAs – the omega 3’s and the omega 6’s. The omega 3 fatty acids are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are mostly found in the oils of cold-water fish. These fatty acids significantly lower cholesterol and triglycerides – even in the presence of high saturated fats (animal meats, dairy products, and other tasty stuff). They also act as a natural blood thinner, which is critical for those at high risk for heart disease or those with blood clotting disorders. One could extrapolate that omega-3 fatty acids are a great preventative measure against the country’s number one killer – heart disease.

Omega 6 fatty acids tend to be more prevalent in the typical American diet, as they are a constituent of vegetable oils, breads, grains, eggs, and poultry, stuff we tend to eat a lot. For the most part, then, we get enough of this fatty acid in our regular diets. In fact, most people tend to get much more omega 6 than omega 3, typically at a 20:1 ratio (omega 6: omega 3). Unfortunately, this is not exceptionally healthy. An unbalanced fatty acid intake of this magnitude is a strong precursor to heart disease.

Beverly Hills chiropractorTherefore, balancing the type of fatty acids one gets in one’s diet is essential. Studies show that to gain the greatest benefit from EFAs, one must ingest them at a ratio of 2:1 (omega 3: omega 6). This can be done by increasing fish intake while lowering the intake of omega-6-containing foods. This reversal of ratios can be pretty difficult to do, especially if you, like me, don’t care much for fish.

A better way to increase your omega-3 fatty acid levels is to supplement with daily fish oils. You can take them in liquid form or capsules. Since I cannot stomach the taste of fish, I prefer capsules over liquids, but the liquid form is more potent as it is better absorbed by the body. Another way to receive a proper amount of omega-3 fatty acids is with flax oil. Although this seed has a lower concentration of EFAs than fish oil, it is still a decent source and an excellent alternative for anyone averse to the taste of fish. Whole flax seeds are also wonderful when ground up and added to delicious fruit smoothies.

Again, most people receive enough omega-6 fatty acids in their diet, so they usually don’t need supplementing. There is one type of omega-6, however, that you should supplement, and that’s GLA. You can find this omega-6 fatty acid in borage or evening primrose oil. It has anti-inflammatory properties and can help prevent heart disease and other degenerative disorders. It can also help ward off the burning and inflammation of eczema.

The benefits of proper EFA intake include:

*Anyone currently on blood thinners like Coumadin (warfarin) should consult first with their doctor so that they can discuss lowering the medication dosage.

Los Angeles chiropractorAs you can see, getting the right amount of EFAs enormously benefits human health. People who are deficient in omega-3s may experience depression, weight gain, allergies, violence, memory problems, inflammatory diseases, and dry skin. My eczema miraculously disappeared when I made omega-3 fatty acids a regular part of my supplementation program.

Along with water, EFAs are nature’s secret to soft, supple, and pliable skin. Skin creams and facials are worthwhile, too (I have done both), but to have the healthiest and most radiant skin possible, you will need to supplement with this absolutely essential nutrient every day. Along with all its other benefits, you’d be crazy not to incorporate EFAs (fish oil, flax oil, and evening primrose) into your daily regimen*.

*You can purchase the highest-quality EFA supplements, as well as any other vitamins you need, by visiting my office or by calling West Hollywood/Palm Desert Chiropractor Dr. Nicolas Campos at 323-359-1032 (Los Angeles) or 760-359-8838 (Palm Springs).

-October 16, 2005 (original posting date)