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How To Treat Auto Accident Headaches

Auto accidents are more common than we would like to admit. The average driver, and that’s probably you, has a greater chance of getting into a car crash on a 1,000 mile trip (1 in 366). than a professional bowler has in bowling a perfect game (1 in 460). While auto accident fatalities appear as […]

Relieving Trigger Finger Hand Pain With PRP or Rehab

I woke up one morning a few years back with the middle finger of my right hand contracted as if I was going to fling a spitball. I thought I must have been dreaming and my body was simply carrying out the action I was performing in the dream. When I tried to move my […]

Different Leg Lengths Can Cause Pain

Today’s post comes from a question posed by Twitter follower SH, who asked if her hip pain could be coming from having one leg longer than the other. She went on to say that she only develops symptoms on her left side regardless whether it is Achilles tendon pain or whatever. She did not elaborate […]

Lingering Low Back Pain – A “POP” Away From Relief

One of the most hindering feelings one can have is the restriction of persistent low back pain. Often felt as a stiff, almost locked-in place hip, which really isn’t the hip at all but the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) of the pelvis, the feeling that one just needs to “pop” things into place and they will […]