More to Stretching than Just Warming-up.
The New York Times printed an article called Stretching: The Truth, which claimed that static stretching was no good for you. It quoted experts claiming that stretching was useless and might even be bad for athletes. Unfortunately, the article didn’t provide the whole truth. Not that it stretched the truth, by any means; it just missed […]
Runners Leg Pain Not Uncommon: Shin splints can be treated with these easy steps
As a chiropractic sports physician in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and Palm Springs, I see numerous sports injuries limp into my practice. Some are easy to treat, others are tricky. One such injury is shin splints. Shin splints can be difficult to resolve simply because athletes that develop them continue to take part […]
Innate Itelligence: Source Expressing Life
Innate is Source. Education is semi-source.The body is non-source. Were there no source, there would be no beginning. Innate being source is the beginning. Education must go to Source – Innate – to have its beginning. The body is merely the medium of expression of Source. ~ B.J. Palmer, Chiropractic Philosophy Science and Art. Vol. […]
A Hopeful Remedy To Treat and Prevent Crippling Low Back Spasms
In twenty-two years of practice, I have to say that some of the hardest pain cases I have had to manage involved, in some way, severe muscle spasms of the low back. Muscle spasms, to some degree, accompany most low back issues involving the spinal joints – what we call subluxation in chiropractic. But spasms […]