The Pop! Explaining the Noise Behind A Chiropractic Adjustment

I want to tell you about my patient, Emily (not her real name). Emily swore to her husband that she’d never have her neck adjusted – not willfully, at least. That was five years ago. She stayed true to that promise until she and her husband got into a freeway accident, which saw their car […]

Auto Accident Crash Course

As a Los Angeles and Coachella Valley chiropractor practicing in Beverly Hills. Palm Desert, Palm Springs and West Hollywood, many injuries pass through my doors daily. I see my fair share of sports injuries, like tweaked knees, sore shoulders and tennis elbows. I also see plenty of chronic wear and tear troubles like herniated disks, […]

How To Treat Auto Accident Headaches

Auto accidents are more common than we would like to admit. The average driver, and that’s probably you, has a greater chance of getting into a car crash on a 1,000 mile trip (1 in 366). than a professional bowler has in bowling a perfect game (1 in 460). While auto accident fatalities appear as […]

TMJ Syndrome – A Form of Stress Release

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is responsible for opening or closing the jaw: chewing, yawning, clenching, biting, all rely on the TMJ to work smoothly and painlessly to function properly. The movement of the jaw joint is just another function we can easily take for granted, because it is only when we have pain and dysfunction […]